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Cielo high-volume hiring expert shares strategies for seasonal hiring

Sep 17, 2019

Major retailers have already begun their seasonal hiring for the holidays, and the competition is expected to be among the most fierce ever seen. Unprecedented employment growth, along with increasing consumer demand, have given companies a sense of urgency to find the most effective talent acquisition strategies that will help them fill their seasonal roles with high-quality candidates.

Greg Summers, Cielo’s Executive Vice President of High Volume RPO, talked with jobsite Monster recently about how to navigate these competitive waters.

From the article:

“The U.S. is in an unprecedented period of employment growth, gaining jobs for over 100 straight months,” says Greg Summers, EVP of high volume at Cielo, a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) firm. “As the number of Americans working has increased, the unemployment rate has shrunk close to its lowest point in decades.”

For recruiters and hiring managers, this climate means it might be more challenging to search for and fill all of your open positions for seasonal retail hires ahead of the holiday season since most employees currently have roles they don’t plan on leaving. …

The other big issue on the horizon is the potential trade war, says Summers. “There are warning signs that we may be hit with a recession as early as 2020, which means recruiters may need to be agile in their approach,” he says. With impending economic uncertainty, seasonal hiring must happen even quicker since candidates may be less willing to make moves to new organizations. Plus, some companies may be boosting inventories now (and hiring the staff to support that) before tariffs go into full effect and prices increase. Your goal: To offer a quick and efficient hiring process to fill roles before the tides turn.