By: Marissa Geist

RTE Callout

This section shows the different H stylings

This is the first body section (RTE Callout) and here we are showing you how to utilize the header styling to create sections using starting with H2 and also utilizing H3 and H4 (you can go up to H6, though!).

Here is a primary button!

Here is a secondary button!


Section 1 header using H2

Fusce sed neque interdum eros semper iaculis sed nec massa:

  • Integer euismod nisl in sapien blandit, vitae porta sem gravida.
  • Phasellus suscipit est vel tellus consequat, sed lacinia neque venenatis.
  • Donec nisl nisl, condimentum eget lorem in, placerat dignissim mauris.
  • Fusce ante libero, ullamcorper ut convallis vel, luctus quis est.

Section 2 header using H2

Ut magna risus, aliquet quis dui eu, fermentum sagittis turpis. Vestibulum maximus et dolor ac commodo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras in velit ut erat convallis tempor a nec sapien. Pellentesque tincidunt leo ac nunc tempus, imperdiet volutpat dolor hendrerit.

Section 2.1 header using H3

Duis vitae libero egestas, posuere eros quis, sollicitudin ligula. Integer nec nunc ornare, varius leo quis, ornare quam. Pellentesque ornare condimentum magna, in eleifend ipsum vulputate id.

Quisque vel massa vel sapien posuere dictum. Donec sit amet molestie tellus. Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa.

Section 2.2 header using H3

Duis vitae libero egestas, posuere eros quis, sollicitudin ligula. Integer nec nunc ornare, varius leo quis, ornare quam. Pellentesque ornare condimentum magna, in eleifend ipsum vulputate id.

Section 2.2.1 header using H4

Quisque vel massa vel sapien posuere dictum. Donec sit amet molestie tellus. Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa.

Section 2.2.2 header using H4

Quisque vel massa vel sapien posuere dictum. Donec sit amet molestie tellus. Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa.

Section 2.2.3 header using H4

Quisque vel massa vel sapien posuere dictum. Donec sit amet molestie tellus. Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa.

Section 3 header using H2

Ut magna risus, aliquet quis dui eu, fermentum sagittis turpis. Vestibulum maximus et dolor ac commodo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras in velit ut erat convallis tempor a nec sapien. Pellentesque tincidunt leo ac nunc tempus, imperdiet volutpat dolor hendrerit.

Section 4 header using H2

Ut magna risus, aliquet quis dui eu, fermentum sagittis turpis. Vestibulum maximus et dolor ac commodo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras in velit ut erat convallis tempor a nec sapien. Pellentesque tincidunt leo ac nunc tempus, imperdiet volutpat dolor hendrerit.


And here is a list of all <h>s for reference! (this is the subheadline)

<h1> (never use h1 in the RTE Callout!)





RTE callout - general rows for copy & images

This section shows the RTE callout and other generic rows for resources.

RTE Callout - Card Layout

This is the subheadline field

This is an h3 in the RTE, which you can use to add formatting, bullets, images, etc. For example:

You can contact Media Services with questions or follow our updates by one of the following methods:

  • Microsoft Q&A
  • Stack Overflow, Tag questions with azure-media-services
  • Open a support ticket through the Azure portal
Cog icon

Two column text callout

Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa. Praesent vel metus metus. Sed congue cursus volutpat. Aliquam venenatis massa sagittis ipsum convallis hendrerit. Vestibulum mauris odio, interdum quis lectus varius, elementum lobortis sapien.


tech implementations and optimizations

But to varying levels of success due to tech quality and employee readiness.


of transformations fail

Which highlights the need for a proven transition strategy.


miss their go-live target

Up to 50% of tech implementations miss their go-live targets, leading to downtime and unhappy employees.

Without a change program for talent attraction, employee resistance, inadequate training, and poor communication can negatively impact tech transformations.

Example taken from:

Two column text with image callout (image to right)

Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa.

QR code

Two column text with image callout (image to left)

Maecenas vestibulum dui sit amet ullamcorper volutpat. Integer hendrerit volutpat tincidunt. Nunc diam metus, suscipit sed nisi eu, rhoncus blandit velit. Nulla vitae felis et velit tincidunt ullamcorper in a massa.

QR code
Group Strategic HR Director Construction company

This is the external link callout row. Go to Figma

Kamal Pathania's headshot over an orange glow
Featured resource callout Article
Steps for a seamless RPO transition
Find out more
Must add this

Downloadable item callout

Download the full article

RTE callout - Multimedia rows

This section shows rows used in multimedia resources.

Purple "facts about age diversity in the workplace" on a white background with an illustration of people in the corner.

This is the Infographic Callout. The image is from this article: Age diversity article

This is the Video Callout row with an optional caption.

RTE Callout - Specialty rows

This section shows more specialty rows

Featured personnel callout

Marissa Geist headshot
Marissa Geist

Chief Executive Officer, Cielo

Marissa is the Chief Executive Officer of Cielo, the world’s leading global talent acquisition partner. She joined Cielo in 2015 as Senior Vice President of Global Operations, where she was instrumental in scaling Cielo’s delivery model.

LinkedIn connect
Christina Corbo-Travis
Christina Corbo-Travis

Senior Vice President – Financial Operations, Cielo

LinkedIn connect

About Cielo

Cielo Logo

Cielo is the world's leading Talent Acquisition Partner. We deliver a better talent experience for everyone through Talent Acquisition, Search, Consulting, and Digital Accelerators™. With our fresh approach – we design and build comprehensive, proven solutions inspired by technology to find and keep the unique talent that elevates our clients above the competition. To learn more, visit