It has been more than two years since you have visited your dentist. And you didn’t visit because it was time for a cleaning. You went because you knew there was something wrong, something internal that required external expertise.

Yup, you have a cavity. In fact, you have several cavities in one tooth that have led to a fair amount of decay and need cosmetic work. Dentists from yester-year would suggest silver amalgam fillings—essentially placing a band aid over likely much larger issues. Proactive dentists, however, are equipped with innovative technologies and evidence-based expertise; they will get out in front of decay and suggest replacing the tooth with a porcelain crown. Although a significant investment, crowns are customized and built around your exact needs, and they replace much of the battered and broken tooth with a fully functional, efficient structure that is free from accountability issues, hiring manager dissatisfaction and excessive time-to-fill rates, so to speak.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is the porcelain crown of the talent acquisition world, while downplaying or sidestepping talent management is the risky band aid/filling; oftentimes, businesses seek out RPO for a quick fix—as a way to instantaneously slash costs and resources and hide a myriad of internal issues. RPO is not a band aid, and it never will be. RPO is a highly consultative function with vast differences in structure, focus, technology and cost. It is an investment that will optimize your financial and operational health over time and for the long haul; it is not a partnership that will “solve your mess for less” (i.e., improve financial and operational health with fewer resources than those currently invested).

Effective RPO solutions clean out decay and build upon the original structure with a much stronger framework, one that is ultimately still your “tooth” but improves functionality, talent acquisition, employer brand, overall recruitment and quality. But how do you know if RPO is right for you? First and foremost, you need to ponder the following questions to truly understand why you are considering outsourcing the recruiting function:

  • Are internal resources overextended?

  • Is the workforce continuously growing, or are you anticipating a significant growth event?

  • Is your organization’s use of contingent agencies excessive?

  • Has hiring manager dissatisfaction reached the executive or C-Suite ranks?

  • Is your organization in need of greater accountability?

  • Have you realized the importance the right cultural fit?

  • Is the cost of upgrading processes or completely altering the current infrastructure substantial?

  • Are quantitative and qualitative metrics minimal?

  • Are you seeking a transformational recruiting partnership?

If you are seeking an RPO partnership merely to dwindle the recruiting budget to its skeleton, partnership is not for you. However, if you answered “yes” to any of the questions above; if you desire attracting the right talent, aligned with the organization’s culture and objectives to create a competitive advantage; if you are seeking to create talent communities that personalize communications and provide potential candidates with the depth of information they desire about the organization and position; and you hope to achieve each of these benefits while still having complete transparency into processes as well as final say over hiring decisions—then an RPO-encased crown might be perfect for your organization. Check out this Cielo whitepaper, 10 Reasons to Outsource Recruitment, to further explore if RPO is the right option for you.

Do you have more questions about this information?

Get in touch with a Cielo expert now!