Candidates for tech jobs continue to be in high demand, even as the positions evolve and technologies advance in ways that make it difficult for hiring managers and recruiters to keep up.

A new article in CIO, which offers peer insights and expertise for business technology executives, surveys the current tech job landscape. Focusing on IT, the magazine asked recruiters, executives, and tech professionals what they believe are the most in-demand positions. Cielo’s Cassie Pike, Senior Vice President of Client Services, pointed to network architects and administrators as two positions that are among the most challenging to fill. She also has noticed a steep increase in postings for those positions in the past two years.

From the article:

“Companies are continuing to invest in newer, better, faster technology networks, and employment within these functions is growing year-over-year. However, many candidates are leaning toward more alluring IT roles, like cybersecurity. Demand for information technology workers is high overall," she says.

Other jobs listed in the article include data scientist, data engineer, robotics and cryptocurrency engineer, and security analyst. The full CIO article is titled “The 9 hottest jobs in IT.”