As a chief human resource officer, you are responsible for the talent initiatives that enable your organization to prosper. You have the opportunity to empower your HR and talent acquisition leaders to support the needs of the business now, while you outline the blueprint to enable future successes. Many companies are relying on short-term strategies in response to the dramatic changes to the workforce over the past year. While successful in filling near-term talent requirements, it is not sustainable and will have a lasting, downstream impact on the organization.

Greg Summers, former President – North America, shares how Cielo’s latest guide can help you plan for today and tomorrow.

Now is a pivotal moment to reevaluate your workforce strategy and align it with today’s candidate and employee expectations to improve recruiting, engagement and retention. This guide will equip you to lead your teams with a set of long-term strategies to help boost both recruiting and retention in today’s talent market. You will come away with:

  • Ways to reshape your company culture to thrive
  • Recommendations for redesigning roles to attract talent
  • Tips to improve the candidate experience to deliver on new expectations
  • Suggestions for talent management strategies to retain your best employees

These strategies will help you to construct a plan that carries you through this current phase and ensures future business success. It is time for you to accelerate your organization’s talent strategy. Download this resource to get started.


By asking the important questions about talent acquisition right now, CHROs and talent leaders can get to work figuring out the right way forward. And they can show other business leaders in the organization that TA will help build a successful long-te...

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